Sunday, July 24, 2011

Skip on LeBron v. MJ

Skip Bayless has opinions people. Opinions! Sure, "maybe [they're] not what you want to hear, but [they are] what you need to here." You need to hear this stuff. You need too! Skip demands it! So, Skip, what opinion do you have for us today?

Thank you, you shrewd people. You people who understand the truth of Skip Bayless. You glorious, shrewd people, so shrewd in your gloriousness and your understanding. 

Of course MJ, in supreme shape, would beat LeBron. Who could doubt it? No matter that "supreme shape" is completely undefined here and has no real meaning. It's over. Done. Skip already knows the score. It has been decreed by the Universe itself and all who inhabit it. 11-7. LeBron hardly puts up a fight. Sure, maybe if this were a game scored by crying, LeBron might have a chance. But it's by baskets, people. Baskets. The ball going in the hoop. Not 4th-quarter-no-shows. Not unclutchness. Baskets. Swishes. Twine-tickling, ball-sinking, hand-down-man-down, baskets.You hear me? Baskets.

And don't kid yourself. LeBron wouldn't even win those games. He might have a chance -- might. But we all know that in a crying game to 11, MJ would cry the shit out of LeBron. He's that much of a competitor. He has that much killer will. Put MJ in a room with 10 newborn babies straight out of the womb and you know who cries the most? Not those damn babies and that's a fact! 

You think LeBron disappeared in 4th quarters. HA! You ain't seen disappearing in 4th quarters until you've seen MJ disappear in 4th quarters. You'd be like, where's MJ? And he'd be all like, NOWHERE! Not even on the damn court! He'd be so gone you wouldn't even know that they were playing one-on-one. You'd see LeBron standing on the court all alone. Where's MJ? Gone. He's already won the game. He'd out disappear LeBron faster than you can say "Hitler mustache."

There isn't even any need tweet anything more about this. It's so clear. Right, Skip? Right? No? Oh.

Boom. Argument over. If you were still so unshrewd that you couldn't grasp the truth, you're shrewd now. Strongest mind EVER. EVER! It's so strong it can bench-press Skip's ego. 10 times! You think that mind can't beat LeBron? You put that mind into getting in shape and LeBron is toast. Outshot. Outslicked. Outminded. 11-7. Game Over.