If I am reading this correctly, according to Skip, Revis will either (1) never be better than Deion or (2) ever be better Deion. Pretty much the only two choices possible. (Well, how else am I supposed to read "never/ever"? As "never ever"? But that would mean that Skip doesn't know how to use the forward slash ("/") and there's no way that's possible, is there? That would be so unjordanesque of him.)
Woah. Don't go too crazy their, Skip. We don't want you getting fired for making a controversial statement like this (we do). Why don't you kick it back a couple notches and maybe take a vacation. It would do you (and the entirety of the universe) some good.
(And yes, I understand that criticizing someone for their grammar on Twitter is slightly unfair, but it's Skip Bayless we're talking about here. He doesn't accept leeway.)